Saturday, February 7, 2009

Prego Photo shoot

I have always thought that pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things in life; so when my wife requested a impromptu photo shoot to I was excited to be able to capture that beauty.  I think life is wonderful thing and it is exciting to when you are patiently awaiting his arrival.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Protrait Contest

So I entered a photography contest just for fun and I actually won! I was really suprised but I got first in the overall contest which was judged by professional photographers and then we had a vote between the participants and I won 2nd place in that. There was cash prizes for both contests and I am investing that right back into my photography business. Great times!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

San Antonio Here we come

USAA has invited me down for a 2nd interview in November! I am planning to go down and work in the software development. They said that in the second interview they will try and find out more about what you really want to do so they can put you in the right area. USAA has over 14000 employees in San Antonio alone so it's a big enough place to be able to find the right fit for anyone!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's a boy......or at least it will be

We found out that we are having a boy and I am so excited. I was thinking that i really wanted to have a girl first but I didn't know how much I really wanted a boy until after they told me that I was having one. I still can't believe it. I have to say I love technology and am amazed at what is possible. We here able to see our little boy moving around and moving his mouth, it was so cool. So our baby is health and will be here the beginning of March!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Black Family

Yesterday I had the oppurtunity to take pictures of the Black Family. I had a lot of fun and here are a few of my favorites.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Kids just seem to be naturals when it comes to taking pictures or being in front of the camera. That is what I really love to capture, those unplanned happy moments. The everyday joys that make us smile, Here are a few.

Friday, September 26, 2008

So our friends Greg & Erin where in town yesterday and we really miss them so it was great to spend the evening together. Anita helped Erin's little sister with a dance she is doing for a pageant and her mom wanted to pay Nita but we said, no we're good. So she payed us in jars of freezer jam. It always reminds us of the wedding singer when the old lady pays him in meatballs, "put out your hands" and then she plops them down and watches him eat 'em.