Monday, September 29, 2008


Kids just seem to be naturals when it comes to taking pictures or being in front of the camera. That is what I really love to capture, those unplanned happy moments. The everyday joys that make us smile, Here are a few.

Friday, September 26, 2008

So our friends Greg & Erin where in town yesterday and we really miss them so it was great to spend the evening together. Anita helped Erin's little sister with a dance she is doing for a pageant and her mom wanted to pay Nita but we said, no we're good. So she payed us in jars of freezer jam. It always reminds us of the wedding singer when the old lady pays him in meatballs, "put out your hands" and then she plops them down and watches him eat 'em.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


USAA is a really great company! from everyone I have talked to that has gone down there say it is a really fun place to work. It is banking for the military and only has one physical bank located in San Antonio TX, right next to the corprate office, so everything is done online and has millions of people constantly scrolling through the site. They are really big on hiring people with good intrgrity and morals, they say we can teach technical skills but we can't teach integrity. What a great place to work. It is no shock they like the BYU students. I have an interview with them on Monday and we really hope it goes well.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bishop Family

This a fun impromptu photo shoot with some friends that turned out great.